The first impression I want to leave with all readers of this blog is why Upside Down was written and why every citizen of Planet Earth should read and understand it. Regardless of what liberals and progressives will say, the truth contained within Upside Down is timeless—there is no expiration date on the truth. The subtitle of the book is “Freedom Cannot Exist in the Absence of Truth” because truth and freedom go hand-in-hand; one cannot exist without the other. The primary…..
The reason that obsession with politics and career politicians is evidence of a nation in decline might be clarified through a definition of politics and politicians: In chapter 8, I define a politician as: A person employed by some level of government whose salary is paid with taxes, credit from China, or dollars printed out of thin air who dispenses a mix of partial truth and blatant lies told with the intent to deceive his or her constituents for the…..
One way liberals grab power over us is by making the obvious so overly complicated we question everything. Of course, liberals always have the answers to the irrelevant, time-wasting questions they raise in the first place, like where trans-genders can poop. Some libs go off on head-shrinking, cerebellum-wasting mental excursions into the absurd like some of my college classes that questioned whether anything we see and feel is real or just an illusion. That kind of intellectual masturbation is usually…..
Fellow Democrats April 4, 2016 Lying about Donald Trump instead of presenting a viable candidate for President will cause you to lose big this November. Why you all refuse to acknowledge the truth is bewildering. This JFK Democrat has already pledged my vote to Donald Trump. It is my opinion that there is no way to get Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to comprehend the damage she is doing to the nation by aiding and abetting Hillary and Bill Clinton as they once…..
The following few paragraphs from chapter 2 of Upside Down offer insight into just a few of the reasons why the Clintons can never be allowed within 1000 miles of The People’s White House. (Image from HILLARY: ‘WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE’THE WHITE HOUSE DECEIVED AMERICA?, John Nolte, January 23, 2013,, Finally, as we approach the 2016 General Election, please remember what the facts tell millions of us were Hillary Clinton’s two acts of betrayal of our trust, which…..