Upside Down
Freedom and truth go hand-in-hand; one cannot exist without the other. Upside Down tells the painful truth about the origin of our government/media propaganda machine that continues to hide three very Big Lies that are destroying our beloved nation. Upside Down carefully explains how the prosperity We the People have enjoyed since the end of WWII has resulted in our collective apathy toward the corrupt progression of what are supposed to be servants of the People into life-long “career politicians” in Washington, D.C. who have become our elite political ruling class.
History is filled with examples of how free Republics become Democracies with life spans of around 200 years as they transition:
- from spiritual faith to courage
- from courage to liberty
- from liberty to abundance
- from abundance to complacency
- from complacency to apathy
- from apathy to dependence
- from dependence back into bondage
Through our decades-long collective complacency and apathy, in 2016 “We the People” find ourselves in that horrific final phase during which We the People all slide down that fatal slippery slope from dependence on Big Government into the inevitable slavery that always stems from allowing the accumulation of too much centralized power—and blindly trusting that power will not be abused.
Nothing in life is “free”. Enslavement of a people occurs when too much centralized power begins to corrupt what becomes a self-serving elite political ruling class. Our government has no money of its own—all of the money our elites have deluded themselves into thinking is theirs to spend keeping themselves in power comes from us. Nations like ours collapse and fail when political elites with power they never should have had discover they can bribe We the People with our own money. Unlimited power is rooted in unlimited government funding that promotes even more totalitarian power which over time leads to absolute corruption. The most tragic of all realities is that if we selfishly continue to vote for political elites that lie to and bribe us with our own money by offering to give us free this or free that, we choose slavery not just for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.
Upside Down explains how our United States is being divided and conquered from within by an all-powerful central government supported and enabled by a subservient, self-serving media. This marriage of convenience is propelling our nation toward the living hell described in George Orwell’s 1984 where truth cannot be found—where freedom does not exist.
After thoroughly defining the challenges We the People now face, Upside Down presents simple solutions that can begin our long, courageous journey back to freedom, liberty, and prosperity, but “We the People” must immediately shed our decades-long apathy and use our pens, phones, and votes in a united voice that even Washington, D.C. can understand. If caring citizens of our great nation take specific action, we can dissolve the elites and return power back to We the People where it rightfully belongs, prevent the demise of a free and independent United States of America, and, above all, avoid becoming the United States of China.