The Real Hillary
The following few paragraphs from chapter 2 of Upside Down offer insight into just a few of the reasons why the Clintons can never be allowed within 1000 miles of The People’s White House. (Image from HILLARY: ‘WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE’THE WHITE HOUSE DECEIVED AMERICA?, John Nolte, January 23, 2013,,
Finally, as we approach the 2016 General Election, please remember what the facts tell millions of us were Hillary Clinton’s two acts of betrayal of our trust, which I am convinced beyond the shadow of any doubt are treason—the first during whatever her role may have been in the “Chinagate” abomination, the second as Secretary of State when on 9/11/2012 no help came as Ambassador Stevens and the three brave men fought and died trying to defend our Libyan Embassy. In the name of all that is holy, don’t reward her various “high crimes and misdemeanors” by electing her president in 2016! Think about her record of lies and deceit, including the most recent deletion of e-mails she kept on her personal server during her inept and, in the opinion of millions of Americans, treasonous time as Secretary of State. Keep in mind the ridiculous, childish presentation of the “reset” button to Russian Ambassador Lavrov. Think about the fact that Hillary has been caught in various lies as far back as the Watergate hearings of the mid-1970’s when, according to her boss on the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Zeifman, Hillary Clinton was fired as counsel during the Watergate hearings after she was caught in various unethical behavior, lies, and deceit,[ii]. Think about her elitism, being chauffeured around for the past few decades. Watch as the harder she tries to be one of us, the more obvious it becomes she is anything but.
If she somehow winds up being the Democrat Party nominee, this will be a clear signal to me that I have to sever all ties to anything associated with “Democrat” and become a registered Independent, because my “party” of Democrats has gone completely insane. I hope women will reject her instead of embracing her because of her gender. I hope women will be appalled by her continued submission to and humiliation by her philandering husband as she stays in a ridiculous “marriage” for what can only be explained as political expedience—if she divorces Bill between now and the election in 2016 that speaks for itself. I hope women all across our nation will reject any and all of Hillary’s political ambitions based the fact that her second occupation of the People’s White House will bring not only all of her baggage and demonstrable incompetence, but could bring Bill Clinton back to the scene of his many indiscretions that, without the pesky nuisance that is being commander in chief, will allow him to focus all of his time and energy engaging in some serious sexploitation of young females in rooms other than the Oval Office. More importantly, all mothers should be scared to death about the repercussions of either or both of the Clintons once again having the cover of the White House to escape accountability for past transgressions while they weaken and humble our United States. I hope and pray all mothers understand the direct threat the Clintons’ tyranny was and is to our children and grandchildren.
By now we should all be aware of Hillary Clinton’s participation in the Obama administration’s complete lack of action during what was at least a seven hour attack on our Libyan Embassy. I hope and pray Hillary is never in a position to have to respond within 25 minutes or less to an incoming Chinese, Russian, North Korean, or Iranian ICBM, guided to its target here in the U.S by a version of the satellite/missile technology China stole from Loral and Hughes, all neatly orchestrated and enabled by Clinton(s)/Gore!
Finally, I hope every voter will understand that of the 70 million women in this country over 35 years old, Hillary has already done and is capable of doing the greatest damage to our beloved nation. I hope that all voters across our land come to realize that of all women and men in this country, Hillary is least qualified to hold any public office.
The safety and freedom of our children and grandchildren literally hangs in the balance in 2016 and beyond so please—let’s not go from bad to worse.
Ed Morrissey, “Hillary Fired for Lies, Unethical Behavior from Congressional Job: Former Boss”, Hot Air, per Fox Nation, February 24, 2014, accessed July 1, 2015,
[ii] Dan Calabrese, “Watergate-Era Judiciary chief of staff: Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior”, internet publication, January 23, 2013, accessed July 1, 2015,
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